Individual Recipes In Use At Drexel Institute

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781408614921

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Individual recipes in use at Drexel institute - 1914 - General Directions The food materials in these recipes are measured level. The cups used in measuring hold one-half pint. Flour should be sifted before it is measured. In recipes where a portion of an egg is required the egg should be first beaten. Dishes should be tasted before be ing served and more sea. soning added, if desired-Many of these recipes may be cooked in a chafing-dish. The following list of utensils is - sug-gested for the use of nurses 1 double boiler pint cup. size, or 2 saucepans, No. 9 and No. 10, covers for both. Lemonade shaker. Strainer bowl size. c--Cup. tbsp.-Tablespoon. tap.-Teaspoon, Lemonade Juice of 1 lemon, or 3 tbsp. sugar. 3 tbsp. lemon juice. I 1 c. water. Dissolve sugar in lemon juice add ice water and shaved ice if desired. Orangeade Rind of 1 sour orange. 1 tbsp. sugar. 1 c. boiling water. I Juice of 1 orange. Cut the yellow rind carefully from the orange and pour the boiling water over it. Add the sugar and juice, then strain. One teaspoonful of lemon juice may be added if desired, Chill before serving. Apple Water 2 baked apples. 1 c. boiling water. Pour the boiling - water over the apples strain and sweeten. Serve cold. Tamarind Water 2 tbsp. preserved I 1 c. boiling water. tamarinds, Pour the water over the tamarinds and let them stand one-half hour. Strain and serve cold. Currant Juice c. currant juice or 1 c. cold water or - 1 tbsp. currant jelly. l hot water if jelly is used. Sugar to taste. Mix the juice or jelly and water and add sugar to sweeten. 4 Grape Juice c. grapes. 2 tsp. sugar. Pick Concord grapes from the stem. Wash and heat them, stirring all the t. ime. When broken, pour into a jelly bag and press slightly. Add sugar and cook the juice and sugar until they boil. Pour into a hot bottle, cork and seal with paraffin, or equal parts of shoemakers wax and resin melted together. Less sugar may be used. Serve with shaved ice and a few drops of lemon juice if desired. Cranberry Juice 1 c. cranberries. 1 c. water. Sugar. Pick over and wash the cranberzies cook them with the water until soft, strain through cheese-cloth measure the juice and allow one-half as much sugar, add to juice and boil one minute. Pour int, o a hot bottle and seal immediately. Tea tsp. Ceylon or 1 I 1 c. boiling water. tsp. Oolong tea. I Heat a cup or small teapot. Place the tea in it and pour freshly boiled water over it steep a few minutes and strain. It may be served hot or cooled and iced. A slice of lemon may be served in each cup. Filtered CoEee . finely ground c. ., X I boiling water. Put a piece of filter paper in a strainer and place the coffee in it. Hold the strainer over a hot coffee cup and pour the boiling water slowly over the coffee. The cup must be kept 5 in a hot place while the coffee is macle. One-half of this quantity may be used for class work. Cereal Coffee 3 tbsp. cereal coffee. 1 tbsp. cold water. 1 c. boiling water. Mix the coffee with the cold water, add the boiling water boil twenty minutes settle five minutes and serve very hot. Chocolate oz. chocolate. c. hot milk or half X tbsp. sugar. milk and I half ma-t e Melt the chocolate over hot water, add the sugar and the milk gradually. Bring to the boiling point and beat well then serve. One-half this quantity may be used for class work. Boiled Coffee Cocoa tbsp. cocoa. I c. water. 1 tsp. sugar. c. milk. Mix the cocoa and sugar, add the cold water and boil directly over the fire three minutes. Then stir into the - hot milk and cook five minutes over hot water. One-half this quantity may be used for class work. 2 tbsp. coffee. 1 tbsp. cold water. X tsp. whiteofegg. Small pieces of egg shell. c. boiling water. 1 tsp. cold water. Heat the coffee pot...