OSHA Compliance Basics Kit

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780865871885

Whether you"re new to safety or just need an updated, comprehensive reference collection, this five-book set contains everything you need to make the compliance process as painless and as clear as possible. The kit includes both OSHA/Labor Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) volumes for general industry, 2007 Title 29 Parts 1900-1910.999 and 2007 Title 29 Parts 1910.1000-1910.End. It also includes Safety Made Easy, Third Edition, by John Grubbs and Sean Nelson, Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health, Fourth Edition, by Mark Friend and James Kohn, and Occupational Safety and Health Law Handbook, Second Edition, by the law firm of Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, with other law firms. Together, these three books will show you the eight key components of industrial safety that your facility should include in its safety program to avoid being unnecessarily vulnerable to physical damage and property losses; provide you with a practical and comprehensive look at the technology, management, and regulatory compliance issues that safety professionals face; and cover all of the important legal aspects of the law with clearly written explanations and insights relating to compliance with OSHA.