Notes on a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781427053138

ReadHowYouWant publishes a wide variety of best selling books in Large and Super Large fonts in partnership with leading publishers. EasyRead books are available in 11pt and 13pt. type. EasyRead Large books are available in 16pt, 16pt Bold, and 18pt Bold type. EasyRead Super Large books are available in 20pt. Bold and 24pt. Bold Type. You choose the format that is right for you.Written under the pseudonym Titmarsh, Thackeray"s Notes on a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo was published in 1846. Appreciating the vessel, the captain, and the crew, Thackeray recounts his brilliant trip and the majestic areas that he visited. Malta, Athens, Smyrna, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Cairo, as well as the sea shores of Spain and France are all described, as are the troublesome experiences and the sea-sickness felt by some of his fellow passengers.To find more titles in your format, Search in Books using EasyRead and the size of the font that makes reading easier and more enjoyable for you.