Where God Is

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781598794045

Where God Is or Where is God? If we open our eyes we can see him every where in His creation, but we have to acknowledge the truth. Where God is, is about that truth and how easy it is to find Him. The way this world was created, how could we not comprehend, that nothing or no one else could have done it. Read about His master plan, how He took three days to form everything and put it in place and then took three days to fill it, to make it unique as it is. You can see how he created things, animals, vegetation, the cycle of rain, and most of all, man. Man was the motivation for the whole conception, His entire master plan. If we really look for Him and seek Him out, we will appreciate Him. As we look for His exquisiteness in all of Nature, we must look for the high-quality of human kindness also.