Autumn Breeze (Part Two): The Struggle for Power (Volume 2) (Chinese Edition)
Price 16.65 - 19.15 USD
書名:秋風縷縷 - 第二部:鷸蚌鬥 這部長篇小說共分四部,是作者根據本人在文化大革命期間的親身經歷和所見所聞而著。小說從申江機械廠、上柴聯司、欣興電機廠等工業戰線造反派,東方紅中學,濱海大學等教育系統紅衛兵和綜合局等黨政機關幹部這三條主線展開,詳細而真實地描述了上海各階層人士在洪流滾滾,勢不可擋的十年文革期間的生活。出生于普通家庭的魏琴和高幹子弟陳吉生這一對戀人在狂風駭浪之中顛沛沉浮,演繹著眾生的悲與喜...... The book series has four books. It is based on true events and personal experience and observation of the writer during the China"s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. It depicts the real life of people who lived in Shanghai from 1966 to 1976. Wei, Qing and Chen, JiSheng fell in love when they were on route to Beijing for an audience with Chairman Mao along with millions of Red Guards all of the country. After two months of free travel, they came back to Shanghai and joined the revolutionary cadres in full range of activities passionately. However, they went a different way. Wei, Qing ascended to senior positions while Chen, Jisheng was sent to work on a construction site for re-education after his father, who was a senior official in the government, was purged. Their different fate intertwined with the major events that happened in Shanghai during the 10-year period. Just like the autumn breeze ripening fruits as well as blowing away fallen leaves, justice eventually triumphed over evil.