Lumen Gloriae

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780670444366

Regarding Samperi"s poetry, another poet, Cid Corman, has written: "In the De Vulgari Eloquentia Dante states: .... it seems clear that song is nothing if not action completed by one who composes with art words harmonized through modulation... The quiet probed and probing music Samperi arrives at is of this order. A poetry of unmitigated probity. It scales the religious, attempting to illuminate a little a spiritual world from which we are mostly outcasts. Its "form" is vision which cares of the word entered, lived, died, at every breath, with a gravity perhaps dismaying, but no less moving for that. Its difficulty is the difficulty of human being in the light of divinity. Its blessing is that it opens anew for us some of the timeless possibility....