Anger: Taming the Beast: A Step-by-Step Program for Managing Anger Calmly and Effectively

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781568362847

DON"T LET ANGER CONTROL YOU! If you or someone you love is experiencing difficulty coping with their anger, this useful and practical book is the first place to turn to for help. With its clear, evenhanded approach, this book will show you o Why you handle anger the way you do, and how to change o How to manage anger in positive ways o When anger is a fitting response o How to express anger appropriately and effectively o How to handle frustration and resolve conflicts o How best to cope with stress, embarrassment, and shame Whether you have an explosive temper or are brooding over suppressed anger, the questionnaires, step-by-step exercises, and strategies outlined in Anger: Taming the Beast will teach you how to change the way you experience and express anger. You will learn how to speak up strongly and effectively, set limits and say no to unreasonable demands, and relate your feelings to others without losing your cool.