Iron Warriors T72 Tank Command
1991 Balkans are in the grip of a bloody civil warand you are right in the middleProduct InformationHear the thunder of cannons and the squeal of caterpillar tracks as you commandthree of the best tanks the Russians ever built – the T-72b the T-55a and theT-34/85. Issue orders to other infantry and vehicle units as you crush enemypositions leaving nothing but track marks in your way.The focus of the game is the control of the your own tank but the ability tocommand a number of attached units (armor vehicles and infantry up to platoonstrength) is given through the use of a command and navigation map. ArtificialIntelligence (AI) controlled tank crewmen can man any station and be ordered bythe player via hotkey"s or you can take the seat as tank commander gunner ordriver yourself at any time. Internal and external free motion camera viewsprovide an exciting and dynamic overview of the battlefield.The game provides scalable realism settings giving you a lot of flexibilityto adjust the game to your own liking and system capabilities. Newbies can setthe realism to lower levels to allow them to get the hang of modern armoredcombat while the armor grognards will want to tweak weapons performance to theirrealistic and lethal levels and enable all the nitty-gritty details likebarrel wear engine stalls restricted internal viewing angles full collisiondamage and even engine and transmission management and starter battery failures!Environmental factors are simulated in mind blowing detail with the advent ofa powerful and flexible 3D world engine. The powerful physics modeling providesdeformable terrain which leaves realistic shell-holes after impacts of highexplosive rounds and allows buildings and other structures to be partially orfully destroyed. You can even watch as trenches are dug out of the terrain inreal time with the BTM-3 engineering vehicle. Vehicles damage is detailed andvarious internal and external components can be damaged and destroyed evenincluding t