International Marketing: A Global Perspective

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781861524560

In the age of globalism, international marketers need to adopt a global perspective if they are to compete successfully. International Marketing: A Global Perspective starts from the premise that any firm - regardless of size - can compete globally. The challenge for todayÂ"s manager is to identify and seize the opportunities most appropriate to their company. International Marketing: A Global Perspective examines the main issues facing companies that want to compete successfully in the global marketplace. It combines extensive coverage of the relevant theories with a practical approach to the issues. Written in a clear and accessible style, it is divided into several sections covering: assessing a potential market economically, culturally and politically; identifying cultural similarities and differences; deciding which products to market internationally and how to price and promote them; motivating marketing managers to compete globally; building and implementing successful marketing strategies - from making strategic decisions and choosing market positions and entry methods to developing a marketing plan. Using real-world case studies and vignettes centred on contemporary problems and issues, International Marketing: A Global Perspective will be ideal for undergraduates, MBA students and students following executive courses in international marketing or strategy.