Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club (Volume 3-4)
Price 24.62 - 28.56 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1893. Excerpt: ... 7-ribbed from near the base, the outer pair of ribs near the margin, ribs and coarsely reticulate veins very strong beneath, impressed above; racemes loosely 5-10 cm. long, peduncled, panicled, the panicle stalked; pedicels 1-1.5 cm. long, stoutish; calyx broadly campanulate, about 5 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, the base intruded and 5-lobed, the teeth semi-circular, some with a minute point; mature flower not seen; fruit (mature?) globoseovoid, a little broader than long, the lobes obsolete, dry, purplebrown, granulate. Yungas, 1890 (721)= Rusby"s 2403. ERICACEAE. Pcrnettya PentlandU DC. Prodr. 7: 587. Yungas, 1890(729) Capi, March, 1890 (766) = Rusby"s 2017 and 2018. Gaultheria tomentosa H.B.K. Nov. Gen. 3: 287.//. 262. Yungas, 1890 (223) = Rusby"s 2032. Gaultheria anastomosans (L. f.) H.B.K. Nov. Gen. 3: 285. Yungas, 1890 (487) = Rusby"s 2025 and 2095. Gaultheria rufescens DC. Prodr. 7: 595. Yungas, 1890 (667). = Rusby"s 2011 and 2013. Gaultheria glabra DC. Prodr. 7: 596. Yungas, 1890 (671). = Rusby"s 2015. Gaultheria conferta Benth. PI. Hartw. 219. Yungas, 1890 (707)= Rusby"s 2020. Clethra Brasiliensis Cham. Linnaea. 8: 510. Yungas, 1890 (393 and 474) = Rusby"s 2091. Clethra bra"ifolia Benth. PI. Hartw. 143. Yungas, 1890 (717). PLUMBAGINEAE. Plumbago scandens L. Sp. PI. Ed. 2, 215. Songo, Nov. 1891 (889) = Rusby"s 1073 and 1917." MYRSINEAE. Myrsine floceulosa Mart. Herb. Fl. Bras. 257. Yungas, 1890 (389)= Balansa"s Paraguay, 2377. Myrsine sp. obviously undescribed, but material unfit for description. Yungas, 1890 (444). Geissanthus Boliviana Britton, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 20: 140. Songo, Nov. 1891. (827 and 847)= Rusby"s 562; also collected by Pearce at Coroico and Sandillani. Distributed as "Ardisia." Geissanthus Bangii sp. n. Branches stout, crooked, lig...