Knowledge Management Best Practice WorkBook: Roadmap, Transition, Management, Implementation and Project Plan - Ready to use supporting documents bringing Theory into Practice - Second Edition

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781742442372

The first edition of this book is regarded as a classic in its field. Now, in an expanded and updated version of The Art of Service"s book, the authors once again present a step-by-step guide to Knowledge Management. Everything in this book is tried, true, and respected in the field. The author has synthesized and made accessible the best practices and theory from a variety of sources and experiences, laying out the path forward in a clear and direct style that makes this one of the key guides for successful knowledge initiatives. Complete, pragmatic approach and great supporting tools (document blueprints and templates). The essence of the book is a phased and step by step approach for capturing and disseminating knowledge, and measuring the impact of your efforts in the form of ROI and other performance metrics. Covered are: Infrastructure evaluation, KM System Analysis, System Deployment and Infrastructural evaluation. A few things stand out: the approach is laid out and the documents that come with the book has evaluation forms and checklists that will assist greatly every step of the way. KM has matured beyond buzzwords and visions from people who have ideas but cannot implement, into an essential element of organization and process for companies that will survive. Implementing it is hard work, but this 5-star book will show you how. Considering the increasing number of Professionals and their Organizations who want to be actively involved in Knowledge Management, this book should do at least as well as the first edition, which is a bestseller.