NMR-Spectroscopy: Processing Strategies (Spectroscopic Techniques : An Interactive Course)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783527288120

Brand Wiley-Vch

The Entrance to Practical NMR Spectroscopy This interactive tutorial is designed to introduce newcomers to the crucial and central step of NMR data processing. It enables and encourages you to process measured data according to your own special needs and ideas, rather than having to rely on automatic processing or specialist help. You are shown how to transform NMR data into 1D or 2D spectra in easy steps. Various processing strategies are explained, the necessary theoretical background presented, and practical hints, examples, exercises and problems are all included. The accompanying CD-ROM provides a comprehensive NMR data base and powerful software tools, based on WIN-NMR software designed by Bruker, which enable you to make best use of your NMR data. It is the interactive approach of using text, software and the appropriate sets of data that makes this a unique book on NMR spectroscopy.