The Real Skinny on Eve: A Short but Comprehensive Guide on the Real Identity of Sisters in the Church of Jesus Christ

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781439223185

That Adam was under demonic control is clear the moment God presented the female. A defiant Adam willingly pursued actions independent of God and even to the detriment of Eve. Eve, curiously identified in gender only by Adam, was herself deceived into sin yet alone made confession of sin before God and thus emerged from the garden as the far more righteous. And while Adam simply lodged accusation, the critical confession of a now belittled Eve was required by God to avert total destruction of his human creation. Adam made no like confession of sin and was absent repentance in the garden. But the enemy has spoken and rendered women so marred in Creation that even God has erred and become a respecter of persons. Are we to believe this? Get the truth! God spoke victory to the female and not the man and Eve alone respectively earned the title “mother of all living” in a garden ultimately giving birth to death . . . Read today what the Church is afraid to teach and what the Bible actually does!