Mastering Tranquility: A Guide to Developing Powerful Stress Management Skills

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781452546018

Brand BalboaPress

Building a balanced life begins with eliminating stressful habits while cultivating good actions. "Mastering Tranquility" is a guide to the uplifting practices that have helped countless people manage and overcome the debilitating effects of stress. It is a companion for anyone who wants to adapt to the many anxieties, fears, and worries encountered in everyday life by pursuing fulfillment through revitalizing activities. From attitude adjustments to yoga practices, whether specializing in one or taking steps into all, the tools and philosophies behind each discipline are provided in simple terms that will facilitate adjustments to any areas of life where they are necessary. Solutions to common problems are presented, with attention to both short-term and long-term wellness. This book demonstrates how by offering simple templates for the reader to implement, as well as providing reactions from those who have attended the author"s "Tranquil Seas" Wellness Retreats and put the concepts learned into daily practice. Whether attending a Tranquil Seas Retreat, or simply relaxing in the comfort of a quiet meditation space, this book will instruct, motivate and assist the ever evolving transformation into the physically and emotionally balanced, spiritually advanced being we are destined to become.