Mass Spectra of Pesticides 2009

Price 1249.72 - 1915.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783527324880

This new 2009 collection includes 1238 high quality mass spectra of pesticides such as insecticides, acaroids, nematicides, fungicides, rodenticides, mollucicides and repellents. The mass spectra are unreduced. Chemical structure, CAS RN, synonym and systematic name, molecular weight, molecular formula and experimental conditions complete the data record. Available Database Formats: Agilent Chemstation; NIST MSSEARCH; Finnigan GCQ, SSQ, TSQ, ICIS, INCOS,Iontrap, ITS40, Magnum; INCOS; PE Turbomass; Shimadzu QP-5000; Thermo Galactic SpectralID; Varian Saturn;VG Labbase, Masslab; Waters Masslynx; Xcalibur.