Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day (Young Explorer Series) (Young Explorer (Apologia Educational Ministries))
Price 28.72 - 39.28 USD
Take your kids on an underwater journey to explore the wonders of God"s creation. They"ll begin with a big splash from the whales and dolphins, then spy on seals and meet manatees before swimming with the sea turtles, snakes, and salamanders. Children will also uncover the hidden world of crustaceans, sea snails, clams, and their soft-bodied friends like the octopus, squid, and nautilus. From the microscopic to massive, no reef is left unturned in your child"s passage through the waters of the world. Each lesson ends with an experiment or project reinforcing the scientific method. Among other projects, your student will try on blubber, investigate a shark"s ability to sense electrical currents, explore how whales can hear sounds that come from faraway, and learn through experimentation which creatures make the best fossils. No matter how near or far you live from the ocean, your kids will love this study!