Lorca: Plays: Two: The Shoemaker"s Wonderful Wife, The Love of Don Perlimplín, The Puppet Play of Don Cristóbal, The Butterfly"s Evil Spell, and When Five Years Pass (Vol 2)

Price 23.16 - 23.93 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780413622600

Brand Methuen

The Shoemaker"s Wonderful Wife and The Love of Don Perlimplín use an old story of the old man married to the young wife to expose the social attitudes of a traditional Spain bound by rigid concepts of decency, reputation and honour. The Puppet Play deploys the puppets" uninhibited and passionate emotions as a direct attack on the "tedious triviality" of commercial theatre. The Butterfly"s Evil Spell explores the themes of love and frustration, while When Five Years Pass is a surrealist play with references to the film Un Chien Andalou [The Andalusian Dog] by Lorca"s friend and collaborator, Luis Buñuel.