The Meaning in the Miracles

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781853115110

Take the feeding of the 5000: one school of thought says that Jesus miraculously multiplied the loaves and fishes. Exciting, but how can we relate to that? It"s not part of our experience today. Another theory says that the boy"s generosity set an example and this is all about getting people to share. Hmm..worthy but dull. Try this: hungry crowd in desert receive bread..sounds familiar? Yes, remember the Children of Israel and the manna. Twelve baskets? Yes, one for each tribe of Judah. Jesus blesses and breaks the bread? Yes, forward to the Last Supper. Light bulbs go on in heads everywhere. What this miracle is about is Jesus, the new Moses giving us the bread of life. Meaning bursts out everywhere. That"s what this book does for each of Jesus" miracles.