Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere
Price 141.99 USD
THE PICTURE YOU SEE IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE. SONY PLAYSTATION CD-ROM VIDEO GAME VERSION. CD-ROM ONLY. HARD TO FIND GAME. LOTS OF FUN. SONY PLAYSTATION C-ROM VIDEO GAME VERSION. ACE COMBAT 3ELECTROSPHERE VIDEO GAME SONY PLAYSTATION CD-ROM VIDEO GAME. MADE BYNAMCO. GREAT COLLECTOR"S ITEM. A MUST BUY. ALL-TIME CLASSIC. HOURS OF GREAT SUPER FUN. HIGH REPLAY VALUE. GREAT FOR ALL AGES. HERE IS SOME MINOR INFO ON THE GAME.AC3 was the first game in the series to feature a third-person 360-degree camera that could be rotated on all three axis with the right thumbstick; allowing the player to keep enemies in constant sight. A welcome feature, this was carried over to later games. It was also the first game to allow the player to choose their aircraft"s armament.It is the only game in the series so far to feature a mission in outer space. Although there is only one, it featured a reasonably accurate physics model of a zero-gravity situation. The game was also a departure in other ways; the style is reminiscent of the Wipeout series of games, especially the Head-Up Display (though some found it was too bulky and interfered with the player"s view). The company logos of Neucom, Ouroboros, General Resource and the UPEO bear resemblance to the works of The Designers Republic. The soundtrack consists of a variety of electronic music, largely ambient mood setting tunes (as opposed to the rock music found in Ace Combat 2), composed by much of the same team responsible for the critically-acclaimed Ridge Racer soundtracks.