Full Recovery

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 785342266993, 9780321266996

The world has always been a dangerous place. But now, more than ever, disaster planning should be a priority. However, small businesses don"t necessarily have the bucks to pay a high-priced consultant to address the issue-lucky for them, there"s this book. In these pages, business continuity expert John Christophershows small-business owners how to ensure that if disaster does strike, their businesses will be able to weather it. John begins at square one--by showing readers how to define what they have to lose (that is, their risk potential)--and then goes on to cover everything from defining a disaster to identifying assets, developing recovery plans, coming up with strategies for overcoming disasters, protecting digital assets, and conducting safe business. Peppered throughout are case studies, sidebars with advice from experts, and lists of useful resources.