Celebrating Advent: Year C
The aim of this booklet is to help you to celebrate the season of Advent through meditation on the scripture readings for each of the Sundays of the season. In doing this, you will be celebrating Advent in communion with the church, walking with millions of your fellow Christians who are following the same path. Fr de Verteuil takes you through three simple stages with each reading: Firstly, you read it slowly and reverently, allowing the words to sink into your consciousness. Secondly, Fr de Verteuil"s prayers and reflections show you how you might allow the passage to stir up memories within yourself, so that you recognise its meaning in your own experience. Thirdly, this meditation on the reading leads you naturally into prayer, thanksgiving, humility and petition. In each week of Advent, you go through this process (which is known as Lectio Divina, Sacred Reading) with the first reading and the gospel reading for the following Sunday. Your personal prayer, therefore, becomes integrated into the prayer of the church, and reaches its high point each Sunday at the parish liturgy.