Virginia County Records, Vol. 1: Westmoreland County (1251)
Price 17.17 - 33.42 USD
In 1905, Crozier launched an ambitious series entitled Virginia County Records. The series, originally published in magazine format, ended eight years later after ten volumes in the first series and one in a new series had been published. Since a number of the Crozier books have been out of print for some time, Clearfield Company is pleased to make five of the volumes available to genealogists in paperback editions . With the exception of Volume I (New Series), which focuses on Westmoreland County, the articles in these reprints range over numerous Virginia counties and record categories. There is no duplication of information in any of the four "Miscellaneous" volumes; however, since the contents of Volumes VI, VII, IX and X were originally prepared for a periodical, researchers will find that the same record subject (e.g., Accomack County Land Grants) is often treated in more than one volume. In such cases, researchers may wish to acquire all the Miscellaneous volumes related to their county(ies) of interest. This final volume published by Crozier is devoted exclusively to Westmoreland County, Virginia, and contains will abstracts, 1654-1794, and land grants, 1653-1793. The will abstracts, typically, furnish the name of the testator, the date of death and the date of probate, and the name and relationship to the deceased of all persons identified in the will. The index to land grants gives the name of the grantee, date and size of the grant, and source of the original record in Westmoreland County. The index refers to about 2,000 persons who resided in Westmoreland County in the 17th and 18th centuries.