Reflections on Your Life: Journal: Discerning God"s Voice in the Everyday Moments of Life (Reflective Living Series)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781564767257

Reflective Living How are we to learn what God has to say to us when we are all so busy? How can we see God at work in our lives when everything passes by in such a blue? How are we to stop and be Good Samaritans when our road to Jericho is a freeway? By making deliberate decisions to slow down long enough to pay attention to God"s "road signs," this guided journal by award-winning writer Ken Gire is designed to help us do just that. As we practice reflective living by learning to "read the moment," we"ll develop a heightened sense of awareness that God can speak through the Scriptures or a sermon but just as often in a grocery store aisle, a scene from a movie, or an encounter with a friend. This is a companion book to two others in this new series by Ken Gire that emphasize the centuries-old tradition of reflective living--The Reflective Life, a spiritual primer, and Reflections on the Word, a devotional.