The Singing Sack: 28 Song Stories from Around the World (Music Series)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780713631159

The 28 stories in this book each contain a simple song which children can join in as the story unfolds. Song-stories are as old and as universal as storytelling itself, and this selection has been especially retold by contemporary storytellers. It is ideal for storytelling sessions in schools, libraries and homes. The song-stories include "The Lonely Mermaid" (Scotland), "Spider the Drummer" (Sierra Leone), "Momo-taro-san" (Japan), "The Lion on the Path" (Zimbabwe), "Little Cock Featherfrock" (Russia), "Gluskabi and the Wind Eagle" (North America). There is also a cassette which contains songs and tunes from "The Singing Sack", to help you learn the melodies and appreciate the foreign languages more fully.