Interview: The man who loves his computer, invented the electric highway and is running for President

Price 23.07 - 25.20 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781425166786

Boots Johnson, an unproductive young man, experienced a serendipity event that eventually leads to his invention of the Electric Highway. He launched his invention at a time of great anxiety and soring expenses for energy and quickly amassed a great fortune. Secure in this position of wealth, Boots turned his attention to politics out of a sense of over privelege and conceived a long-term campaign to be elected President of the United States. This book is the interview where ideas he wanted to explore from the vantage point of a political campaign became known. Some of these ideas are serious, scary, and scandalous from conservative points of view. He has harsh convictions against the Iraq misadventures and decries the military strategy of occupying the country when GPS precision ordinance were possessed only by us. "Shock and Awe" dergading into whimpering incompetence. Human cultures self-assembled to where six billion are healthier, wealthier, and wiser than a few million emerging barbarians eight thousand years ago. For many the basic assumption of Heaven prevailed. But now greater knowledge spans the globe and Evolution is irrefutable. Evolution takes place in identifiable and measurable time and space, not a supposed space, and has knowledge of beginning and ending, refuting heavenly eternity. The Book of True Revelations guides the moderns who hunger and thirst after knowledge. Light and electromagnetism, gravity, space-time cosmology, DNA biology, continental drift; all are hidden elements of essential nature and it is the human job to protect and improve our earth.