Infectious diseases - I

Price 54.22 - 62.87 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781235777714

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated.1911 Excerpt: ... rally trained physician, then medical treatment would be superfluous. What are the results of this unprofessional treatment of malaria? Inconceivable quantities of quinin are swallowed without the prescription of a physician, bwt the fever persists in many cases, is not cured thereby, and attacks of blackwater (ever are then often the consequences of the improper and excessive employment of quinin. It is true, at home as well as in the tropics, a good many cases of fever do not come under medical treatment. This is in part due to the external conditions but partly also to the fact that the patients keep quinin in the house and probably also have a theory according to which they treat every febrile affection. But if the patient comes to consult the physician, it ii expected that the physician will now take definite and decisive measures against the disease; this, however, he is able to do only, and all physicians are probably in accord now in this respect, if he has recourse to the microscope and treats the patient according to the result of the positive scientific diagnosis. Regarding the method of examination, the blood may be examined either fresh or on cover-glasses, that is slides, dried in thin layers, and stained. The number of the methods is extremely large. They may all answer the purpose. However, I will confine myself to quoting only those which guarantee a speedy and positive diagnosis. The first object is to obtain the material for examination, a drop of blood. It is advised to puncture, with a needle or, better, with a lancet, either the carefully cleansed and dried finger-tip or the lobe of the ear or, again, the dorsal part of one of the terminal phalanges (Ruge). To aspirate the blood by means of a sterilized Pravaz syringe directly from the...