Aphid-Plant Genotype Interactions (International Congress of Entomology//Proceedings)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780444882578

The great majority of the contributions to be found in this volume result from oral presentations given at a symposium during the XVIII International Congress of Entomology entitled "Mechanisms of Aphid-Plant Genotype Interactions", which was held in Vancouver, Canada in July, 1988. Aphids represent a vast and diverse assemblage of insects. Among these are many of great economic importance by virtue of their detrimental effects to important crop or ornamental plants. Even those aphids having little or no economic impact, or that cause no damage to their hosts except nutrient removal, may yet be of great theoretical interest in that their often intimate association with their hosts provides excellent systems for the study of the evolution of adaptation. Other factors, such as environmental influences, and associations with pathogenic, saprophytic, or symbiotic microorganisms, may play an influential role in modifying the ultimate outcome of aphid-plant interactions. Substantive future progress towards the elucidation of these processes can only be expected if much greater understanding is obtained of the interactions of all the organisms involved in the plant based community.