Price 29.95 - 31.18 USD
Every turn, several cards are set up in the field. Then players secretly plot which spell he cast by using spellbook and bookmark. In the spellbook, the spells are written in ascending order. Basically they become stronger with the number increased. On the other hand, the order who get one card from the field is determined by spell number order. If you cast a smaller numbered spell, the spell effect is weak, but you can select one card earlier than other players. Also, there are 2 types of field cards. The first one is coin cards which are direct victory points. The second is character cards which gives you a bonus at the game end when some condition are met. The play ends when one player collects 10 characters or 10 treasure cards. There are direct attacking spell and defending spell, also tricky time spell which make the playing order upside down. The game box contains variety of cards, 4 spellbooks and bookmarks, VP chips, and playing mat.