Emperor and Galilean; a world-historic drama
Price 8.68 - 8.72 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1890 edition. Excerpt: ... Julian. You have no victories on your list of misdeeds, Sintula! Sintula. No, that is true. They have never given me an opportunity to show Julian. I have been unjust to you. Thanks for your fidelity. SINTULa. So great an imperial honour! My lord, may I see Julian. What would you see? You surely would not abet such a design. SinTULa. God forbid that I should disobey the Emperor! JULIAN. Sintula,--would you disarm your Caesar? Sintula Caesar has ever undervalued me. Caesar has never forgiven me the fact of his having to put up with a Master of the Horse appointed by the Emperor. Julian. The Emperor is great and wise; he chooses well. Sintula. My lord,--I long to set about my duty; may I beg to see the Emperor"s commission? Julian handing him one of the papers). Here is the Emperor"s commission. Go and do your duty. Myrrha entering hastily from the right). Oh merciful Redeemer! Julian. Myrrha! What is the matter? MYRRhA, Oh kind heaven, my mistress Julian. Your mistress,--what of her? Myrrha. Sickness or frenzy;help, help! Julian. Helena sick! The physician! Oribases must come, Sintula! Fetch him! (sintula goes out by the back. Julian is hastening out to the right, when at the door he meets the Princess Helena, surrounded by female slaves. Her expression is wild and distorted, her hair and clothes are in disorder?) Helena Loosen the comb! Loosen the comb, I say! It is red hot. My hair is on fire; I burn, I burn! JULIAN. Helena! For God"s pity"s sake! Helena. Will no one help me? They are killing me with needle-pricks! Julian. My Helena! What has happened to you? HELENa. Myrrha, Myrrha! Save me from the women, Myrrha! The Physician Oribases (entering from the back). What horror do I hear?Is it true? Ah! Julian. Helena! My love, light of my...