The Everything Leadership Book: The 20 Core Concepts Every Leader Must Know (Everything Series)

Price 15.04 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 45079205130, 9781580625135

In order for any group to run smoothly, it needs a strong, capable individual at the helm. Whether you are a senior executive, the captain of your softball team, or just a team player, you know that there is always room to enhance your leadership skills and strengthen your group as a whole. The Everything Leadership Book teaches you all you need to know to effectively direct and manage people both in and out of the workplace. The book includes practical advice on leadership techniques and how to maintain professional composure, as well as tips on what separates the leaders from the followers. You"ll learn how to exude self-confidence, become a role model, and make a difference at work and in your community. Features insider tips on how to: Communicate with peers in and out of the office Stimulate, excite, and motivate any group Delegate responsibility Manage time efficiently Resolve conflicts and reward productivity Hire, fire, and evaluate employees Set an example outside the workplace Learning from mistakes and coping with change And much more! Being in charge can be intimidating, even for the most seasoned leaders. The Everything Leadership Book helps you focus on your strengths and goals, so that you can take the reins with confidence. Whether you"re already the boss or still climbing the ladder of success, The Everything Leadership Book gives you the tools you need to take charge!