Political truth

Price 12.72 - 14.75 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781235834943

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated.1899 Excerpt: ... FACTS TERSELY TOLD. Subserviency to the peoples" wishes will not often win for a man political promotion, even though it secures for him lasting fame and gratitude. Were it not for certain nominating systems, some men"s names would never appear on party tickets. The leaders of great parties are not always men who know the most of politics. There are no party platforms which do not permit of more than one construction. One circumstance that causes much dissention in political parties, is that every man who takes an active part in a successful campaign thinks that it was through his individual efforts the day was won. In unsuccessful contests conditions are just the reverse. There never has been a time when corruption was not a possibility at the polls. Neither can a system for nominating and elective purposes be devised to prevent it, so long as the bulk of voters are dishonest. A falsehood to a political friend is more of a crime than stealing from him would be. One should never figure on the support of the people, but rather on that of the party bosses. It is childish and useless to upbraid a man, once he has been elected. The time and place for such a proceeding is at the polls. If a man is in doubt as to the number of his friends, he can satisfy himself oh that score by running for office. "A clean campaign manager has often won a victory, having corrupt candidates in tow. When a man is basking in the sunshine of popularity, his enemies are busy constructing pitfalls and barriers in his way. The worst sting is often sustained from the person you have wronged. Voters would probably prove more loyal to parties were. parties to prove truer to their principles. Notwithstanding how much of a freetrader a man may be, the old rule still holds good, that " self-...