Fibich Zdenek - Piano Music / Radoslav Kvapil

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 889253411555

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Manufacture Country USA

Review:"..vignettes ("Moods" etc) are touching.. spring from a love affair..most are full of strong poetic feeling and beauty of erotic diary for piano.."..played with great sensitivity and subtlety ..haunting music, fine pianism.."Penguin Guide 3 starsTrack Listing:1. Moods, Impressions & Reminiscences: No.358 Tema con Variazione Op.572. No.20 Zarlivosti Op.413. No.24 Sny, kdyby se ze zarlovisti zabil Op.414. No.35 in a minor Op.415. No.67 Znamenka na Anezcine Krku Op.416. No.127 Jak jsme spolu rozmlouvali Op.417. No.139 Vecery na Zofine Op.418. No.183 Anezcin Portret Op.449. No.21 Fantastica Soiree Op.4110. No.25 Jak Udelal Anezce Bolest Op.4111. No.19 in e minor Op.4112. No.103 in a minor Op.4113. No.81 in b flat minor Op.4114. No.87 in B flat major Op.4115. No.94 in A flat major Op.4116. No.281 in d minor Op.4717. No.282 in F sharp minor Op.4718. No.355 in A major Op.5719. No.368 in d minor Op.5720. Studies of Paintings: Forest Solitude21. The Quarrel Between Shrovetide and Lent22. Dance of the Blessed Ones23. Io and Jupiter24. The Garden Party