RCP MRCP Masterclass: Haematology and Oncology Bk. 6 (Medical Masterclass)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780632058655

One of 12 "Medical Masterclass" modules that are divided as follows: two cover the scientific background to medicine, one is devoted to general clinical issues, one to emergency medicine and practical procedures, and eight cover the range of clinical specialties. "Haematology and Oncology" contains a variety of clinical presentations common to the disciplines. The case studies are used to highlight the clinical approach, history taking and examination, differential diagnosis, investigations and management. The diseases, treatments, investigations and practical procedures specific to those cases are then discussed in the form of structured notes. This module also includes a self-assessment section, and there are numerous full-colour illustrations to support the text. Colour-coded boxes and icons are used throughout to highlight key information, clinical pointers, notes of particular significance, warnings and useful tips. The complete "Medical Masterclass" comprises 12 paper-based modules, two CD-ROMs and a companion website. Its aim is to help doctors in their first few years of training and to improve their medical skills and knowledge. It should also be useful in preparing for the MRCP (UK) exam.