The Feminine Face of Buddhism

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781841811543

In religious hierarchy, women are often considered to take second place and Buddhism is no exception to male superiority. In traditional Buddhist countries in the East the majority of nuns and lay women do not receive the same level of respect as their male counterparts, though this varies considerably. Buddhism is thriving in the West and here there is a completely different story. Significantly about half of the Western teachers are women. Women also account for over half of those who attend Buddhist centres and practice meditation. This work goes beyond exloring the role of women in Buddhism, and approaches Buddhist scriptures, the lives of saints, religious paintings and statues from a female point of view. It examines key historical and contemporary female Buddhist figures and their writings. It also looks at the male/female symbolism of Tibetan Buddhism by looking at deities with consorts, the dorje and bell, and so on and how this achieves balance and harmony.