Amazing 3-D Games Adventure Set: The Best Way to Create Fast Action 3-D Games in C

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781883577155

Features a wealth of tips on game design, 256-color and "mode x" VGA graphics programming, artwork preparation, 3-D animation and more! Gives all of the tips, techniques, and secrets for writing hot 3-D games like those taking the market by storm. Provides complete C/C++ source code and all utilities needed to create professional quality 3-D games. Presents a full-featured 3-D game engine that is optimized for 32-bit extended memory. Covers all of the most popular and in-demand 3-D game technology-rendering 3-D walls and floors, ray casting, point of view, and 3-D animation. Contains numerous programming examples to help the reader learn the best 3-D game programming techniques every step of the way.