Exploring the little rivers of New Jersey

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780813520131

Exploring the Little Rivers of New Jersey--first published in 1942--has become a classic, every canoeist"s traveling companion and a delight to countless other people who enjoy in imagination or memory the outdoor world of New Jersey. By way of the little rivers, James and Margaret Cawley introduced generations of canoeists and armchair explorers to a quiet, beautiful world of forests and fields, songbirds and wildflowers, towpaths and villages rich in history. Today, you can still explore this "other New Jersey" via the state"s little rivers and many miles of canal--through the Pine Barrens, state and county parks, farmlands, suburbs, and crowded cities.In this fourth edition, the Little Rivers Club has brought the Cawleys" work up to date. This group of experienced canoeists dedicated themselves to re-exploring familiar waterways and adding new ones.Faithful to the Cawley spirit, this edition includes new maps, many new photographs, a directory of canoe liveries, tips on planning a trip, a loving portrait of the Cawleys, and, best of all, twenty-four beautiful waterways to discover:othe BatstooCedar Creekothe Delaware and Raritan Canalothe Great Egg Harbor Riverothe Hackensackothe Manasquan River and Inletothe Mauriceothe Millstoneothe Mullicaothe Musconetcongothe Oswego River and Lakeothe Passaicothe Paulins Killothe Pequestothe Ramapo-Pomptonothe Rancocasothe South and North Branches of the Raritanothe Tomsothe Wadingothe Black-Lamingtonothe Cohansey River, Raceway, and Sunset LakeoCrosswicks Creekothe MetedeconkoStony Brook.