What are we Christians Praying About?

Price 13.66 - 15.65 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781491878217

I am very concerned and angry about the state of the church in general and about the many blind leaders, teachers, and preachers who are misleading Christians around the world. We have been conditioned to believe all that comes from our pastors and teachers. There is corruption and many false teachings in the church. And I ask, "What are we Christians praying about" I am very thankful that God does not look at our ignorance. If that were the case, we would never experience his boundless love. He sees and knows what is going on, and he has his elected people all over the world. any standing in the pulpit instruct the people falsely. When I listen to some well-known preachers, I am amazed by their lack of knowledge, their narrow-mindedness, the tricks they use to repress the people of God, and their presumptuousness. My heart"s advice to each Christian is to become acquainted with God, learn of him, and allow him to guide you. Without his guidance, you will never know the truth of his Word, nor will you be able to live in his freedom. Turn earnestly to God in prayer, find your place in him, find rest for your soul, and be at home with God.