Bound to Care (Studies in society)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780044421498

"Bound to Care" provides an insight into why caregiving is stressful for families and suggests new directions for community care policies towards supporting care-givers and care-receivers as a unit rather than individually; towards empowering this unit to choose preferred forms of assistance and encouraging care-givers to share care, thereby turning the concept of community care into a reality. The book is aimed at students and lecturers in social work and the sociology of the family. Community care policies have yet to acknowledge the enormity of the emotional and other risks incumbent on those who care. Redressing the balance of policy towards the major provider of care is essential if community care is to become a truly viable option rather than a convenient if shortsighted exercise in cost-cutting. ***Bound to care directly addresses a central concern of all those involved in the care of the aged and chronically infirm -- professional caregivers and policy makers, educators and their students. Valerie Braithwaite is a lecturer in psychology at the Australian National University. She has taught within the clinical gerontology courses for students of nursing. This book is intended for students and researchers in social work, sociology of medicine and and all involved with the health professions.