Guide to the Preparation, Use and Quality Assurance of Blood Components (Health)
In the absence of substitutes, the use of blood components remains essential in therapy. This guide contains a compendium of measures designed to ensure the safety, efficacy and quality of blood components and is particularly intended for all those working in blood transfusion services. In accordance with the approach recommended by the Council of Europe in this field, it is based on the premise of voluntary, non-remunerated blood donation. It describes the different blood components and gives information on their clinical indications and possible side effects.This guide continues to be the "golden standard" for blood transfusion services and forms the basis for many national guidelines in Europe and around the world. For example, in 2000 Australia mandated the guide in its standard for blood components.The Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components will be of interest to blood transfusion centres, legislators, health personnel and to all those working in the field of blood transfusion.