Everything"s Better... Made From Scratch: Sauces

Price 22.46 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781425123925

Over 100 sauces written by Chef David Highlender. The impetus behind this book was the realization; at some point in my career, that most books focus on mass production. So although some books can instruct you how to make Mother Sauces they do so as long as you make several gallons at a time. Most books assume you are a Chef in the industry and need these large quantities for your everyday needs, but for the rest us who want to make a nice meal for our spouse or for a small group of people that just isn"t practical. My hope here is to bridge that gap. I do what I can to break these sauces down into their simplest form. There is no reason why anyone should feel overwhelmed or intimidated. I think you will be amazed at how incredibly easy it is to prepare most of them, but above all else I hope you enjoy preparing them.