Collins Igcse Physics: Cambridge International Examinations. Teacher Pack (Collins International GCSE)
Price 319.79 USD
Prepare students with complete coverage of the latest Cambridge IGCSE(R) syllabus for Physics. Collins" Cambridge IGCSE(R) Teacher Packs are full of lesson ideas, practical instructions, technician"s notes, planning support and more. * Ensure complete and comprehensive coverage of the latest Cambridge IGCSE(R) Physics syllabus * Access effective lesson plan ideas with split into flexible learning episodes with all answers to student book questions provided * Be prepared with lists of resources, clear objectives and outcomes and notes on common misconceptions to help you get the most out of every lesson * Support learning with a range of activity sheets * Make practicals easy with clear instructions for students and technicians fully checked for safety and effectiveness by CLEAPSS * Help medium- and long-term planning with a clear overview of each topic and links to other topics highlighted * One of a range of new books supporting the Cambridge IGCSE(R) science syllabuses, approved for use as Cambridge International Level 2 Certificates in UK state schools