A Man Called Peter: The Story of a Man of God

This is the true story of a great modern minister and a warmly human personality. The opportunity to relive the life of Dr. Peter Marshall through this book provides a rare and unforgettable experience, for he was truly an unusual and memorable man. His inspirational leadership has made its mark on countless thousands of people. In A MAN CALLED PETER, Mrs. Marshall tells her husband"s story and the story of their life together. It is a record of love and faith that has few equals in real life, and it is a book which brings alive the magnificent sincerity with which Dr. Marshall brought God into the affairs of men. One of the most widely acclaimed Protestant ministers of recent years, Peter Marshall began working toward his ministerial career in 1927 when he landed in this country as a poor Scottish immigrant, and within nineteen years he had risen to Chaplain of the United States Senate. It can truly be said that the spirit of this great man of God has touched the heart and soul of all America. With six complete sermons and, six prayers as well as excerpts from other sermons and prayers by Dr. Marshall. "God? Is there really a God? If so, can a person like me get in touch with him?” "Does He guide men today? Tell them what to do?” "Dare I believe in life after death?" Questions like these which your heart has been asking are answered in this true tale of one man"s experience, and on every page you will find your own problems illuminated. Few biographies are as engrossing as this one. As Catherine Marshall unfolds her husband"s life - "The story that had to be told" you will be gripped by the drama and the humor, the struggles and triumphs of the young Scot immigrant, Peter Marshall. After emigrating to the United States, he made his way into seminary and the ministry by the unusual route of digging ditches end doing newspaper work. Perhaps thar was why he understood the problems of people in every walk of life and spoke their language. Eventually he rose to take the pulpit of the historic New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington (Abraham Lincoln"s church), two blocks from the White House and thence to the Chaplaincy of the United States Senate. To the staid Senate chamber Dr. Marshall brought his irrepressible humor and the almost shocking down-to-earth quality of his terse prayers. But it was more than his Scottish gift of expression that made his sermons, his prayers, and his name famous throughout the land. Along with his enthusiasm for life, his enjoyment of outdoor sports and games, his unforgettable word pictures and his eloquence there was that rarest of qualities - the vital connection between him and his God, "The Chief," as Peter Marshall liked to call Him. Here is a great love story in two dimensions-the love between a rugged man and his Maker, and the tender and romantic love of a dynamic man for the girl he married. A Man Called Peter has made publishing history. The book has been always in demand and continuously in print since it was first published in 1951. It has now sold close to 4,000,000 copies, hardcover and paperbound. It was also the surprise 20th Century-Fox top box-office hit for 1955. A Man Called Peter is one of the most popular books ever written. A biography of a Man of God, it tells of a common man who came to America as an almost penniless immigrant from Scotland, worked as a common laborer and rose to become pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, DC. This was an important position because the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church is located just four blocks from the White House. Presidents, Congressmen and Senators often went there. Marshall was a powerful speaker which explains his rapid rise to the top, from a common ditch digger to pastor of one of the most important churches in America. He was called “that charming young Scot with the silver tongue”. The church pews were full whenever he preached. His sermons sometimes influenced pending legislation.