Gypsy Folk Tales - Book One - Illustrated Edition

This book is a treasure chest of 36 classic Gypsy Folk Tales and Stories, and makes fascinating reading for those interested in folklore in general, but especially for those interested in the Roma, or Gypsy, people. Francis Hindes Groome collated and prepared this collection, making only few changes and remaining true to the original stories, so to let the written story enchant us as if it were being presented in the vernacular. The stories are further enhanced by the numerous impressive illustrations recently completed by Maggie Gunzel the Dutch artist and illustrator who, unlike many illustrators of the 19th C. and 20th C, has stayed true to the subject matter. A percentage of the net sale from this book will be donated to the Relief Fund for Romania. In his various other works, Groome raises the point that Europe possibly owes a great deal of its folklore heritage to Gypsies, who brought tales from East to West. If this is the case, then even the most rooted of Europeans must attribute a portion of his culture to the Gypsy lifestyle. Simply stated, these stories are his stories, but in an earlier form. In recent times, much has been written and reported in the press about "Travellers", as Gypsies are now more popularly known. All too often these reports are negative. However, the Gypsy lifestyle is simultaneously romanticised by the media and has been for generations. Because urban city dwellers "buy into the dream", put down roots, tie themselves to mortgages and keenly run the "rat race", could it be that the distrust of Gypsies and Travellers is born out of envy and a desire to pack it all in and live the relatively unpressured, simple, and free lifestyle of the Gypsies?