Tasmanian Lichens: Identification, Distribution and Conservation Status: I. Parmeliaceae (Flora of Australia Supplementary Series)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780642568205

This volume is the first in a series that collates the available floristic, distributional and ecological data on the Tasmanian lichen flora. It deals with the family Parmeliaceae, the most diverse family of Tasmanian lichens, which accounts for more than 15% of the total lichen flora and a very significant proportion of the macrolichens. It is proposed to deal with other families and genera as resources become available. The work presented provides background information on the Parmeliaceae; an authoritative, strictly specimen-based census of the family in Tasmania; identification keys to genera and species; diagnostic descriptive notes on the recognition of each species, its habitat and chemical composition; summaries of global distribution; maps of the known Tasmanian distribution of each species; assigned or provisional conservation status categories; and a list of names of Parmeliaceae previously recorded but not currently accepted for Tasmania. It is noteworthy that of the 148 taxa recorded here for Tasmania, 37 are new species or new records not included in the previous comprehensive treatment of the family presented in 1994 .