The Collected Works of Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788170584698

1 Early Cultural Writings *(formerly The Harmony of Virtue)2 Collected Poems *3 Collected Plays and Stories - I *4 Collected Plays and Stories - II *5 Translations *6 Bande Mataram - I *Political Writings and Speeches 1890-19087 Bande Mataram - II *8 Karmayogin *Political Writings and Speeches 1909-1910 10 Record of Yoga - I *11 Record of Yoga - II *12 Essays Divine and Human *Writings from Manuscripts 1910-1950(formerly The Hour of God and Other Writings)13 Essays in Philosophy and Yoga *Shorter Works 1910-1950(formerly The Supramental Manifestation and Other Writings) 15 The Secret of the Veda *with Selected Hymns 17 Isha Upanishad *18 Kena and Other Upanishads *19 Essays on the Gita *20 The Renaissance in India *with A Defence of Indian Culture(formerly The Foundations of Indian Culture)21 The Life Divine - I *22 The Life Divine - II *23 The Synthesis of Yoga - I *24 The Synthesis of Yoga - II *25 The Human Cycle,The Ideal of Human Unity,War and Self-Determination *26 The Future Poetry *with On Quantitative Metre27 Letters on Poetry and Art *28 Letters on Yoga - I * 32 The Mother *with Letters on the Mother33 Savitri - I *34 Savitri - II *35 Letters on Himself and the Ashram *36 Autobiographical Notes *and Other Writings of Historical Interest