The Troubled American Family: Which Way Out of The Storm?

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780070522121

With so many chronic social ills plaguing the nation, the focus of public debate is shifting to the American family and its role in raising good citizens. As a society, can we fix a family? This illustrated issue guide offers a concise, clear overview of the issue and what can be done to address it. Written by award-winning journalist Michael deCourcey Hinds, this issue guide is part of a series of National Issues Forums guides which cover such topics as suburban sprawl, public school reform, the environment, illegal drugs, the economy and youth violence. They are structured in a way to give concerned citizens an unbiased, easily understandable but in-depth, introduction to an issue and explain the different and sometimes competing solutions that exist. The guides are nonpartisan and do not advocate a particular solution to any public issue, and are an excellent educational tool