Liberal Education and Value Relativism: A Guide to Today"s B.A.

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780761803379

Many if not most of the students who enroll in Bachelor of Arts programs do so without a clear sense of purpose. This book introduces new or prospective university students to the B.A. degree. It seeks to explain the nature and purpose of liberal education, and discusses how liberal education is being undermined in today"s university. This book is designed to help students get the most out of their university years by encouraging them to think more carefully aobut the ultimate aims of their education. It explains how the various academic disciplines taught at today"s university can contribute to the quest for liberal education. In doing so, they give students a better sense of what they should be looking for in their courses, and a better idea of whether the B.A. is really the right program for them. It also provides some practical advice for choosing a course of study and for evaluating university courses and professors.