West African Studies Global Security Risks and West Africa: Development Challenges
Price 44.10 - 49.50 USD
This publication explores current global security issues, their development in West Africa and their potential impact on regional stability. It takes a close look at issues such as terrorism and trafficking, climate change, and the links between security and development. Some of these issues are still the object of heated debate. This book draws attention to the risk of oversimplified analyses and biased perceptions of security risks. It also highlights the need for coordinated policies and dialogue between West Africa, North Africa and OECD countries.Table of Content :PrefacePART I. EMERGENCE OF CRIMINAL GLOBAL NETWORKS IN WEST AFRICA Chapter 1. Reversal of fortune: AQIMs stalemate in Algeria and its new front in the Sahel by Henry Wilkinson-Summary-Recognising a changing threat, from Algeria to the Sahel-Becoming Al-Qaeda-Renaissance and disunity-The failure of AQIMs international and Maghreb project -Rise in the Sahel -AQIM after the Arab Spring -Conclusion Chapter 2. The security challenges of West Africa by Eric Denécé and Alain Rodier-Summary -Persistent internal conflicts -Jihadist terrorism -The spread of criminal activity PART II. CLIMATE CHANGE AND SECURITY Chapter 3. The climate of the Sahel by Carlo Buontempo, Ben Booth and Wilfran Moufouma-Okia -Sahel definition, location and peculiarities-Climatic overview -Historical prospective-Hotspot analysis -Climate change prospective Conclusions and recommendations Chapter 4. The Sahel and the climate security debate by Tor A. Benjaminsen -Summary -The climate security debate: theories, politics and missing evidence -Does climate change lead to desertification?-Do Sahelian droughts lead to more conflicts?PART III. THE "SECURITY AND DEVELOPMENT" NEXUS Chapter 5. Climate change in the Sahel: A human security perspective by Philipp Heinrigs and Marie Trémolières -Summary-Introduction-Links between climate change and security from a theoretical perspective -Climatic elements and security events: lessons learned from an empirical and retrospective study-Expanding the scope to human security -Focus on the impact of climate on food security-A co-ordinated approach to the climates impacts on human security and especially food security Chapter 6. The securitisation of climate change in the European Union by Rafaela Rodrigues de Brito -Summary-The environmentsecurity nexus -Climate as a security issue in the European Union -Africa and the Sahel -Conclusions