Intensive Care Studies (4th Edition) (Set 2 Volumes)(Chinese Edition)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9787030088178

HardCover Pub Date: 2001 Pages: 2227 Language: English Publisher: Science Press book by the University of Southern California School of Medicine Emergency Medicine Director Professor William C.Shoemaker. editor. from the United States. Canada. Australia. France. Spain. Egypt. Belgium. Italy. Sweden. Japan. Norway. 311 well-known professors involved in the preparation. Book self-publishing was recognized as the world"s most authoritative reference ICU learning. Increase in version 4 of the previous version based on the principle of guardianship of children. the elderly and emergency medicine. and the corresponding add high-quality CT. MRI. PET. ultrasound plates. Contents: SECTION RESUSCITATION AND MEDICAL EMERGENCIESSECTION TRAUMASECTION IMAGINGSECTION CELL INJURY AND CELL DEATHSECTION INFECTIOUS DISEASESECTION DNDOCRINOLOGY. METABOLISM. NUTRITION. PHARMACOLOGYSECTION CARDIO...