Outlines of Sikh Thought

Price 21.90 - 23.50 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788121502740

This work is a laudable achievement of Dr. S.S. Kohli, which presents the basic concept of Sikhism. The author has followed the principle of explaining the most difficult concepts in the simplest possible style. The book is marked for its brevity and economical use of the words. It merits being an adornment of reading shelves not only of every educated Sikh household, but also deserves a place on the shelf of every Indian. It is a scholarly and thought-provoking book. The author has amply illustrated his points by suitable quotations from the Sikh scriptures. The work is a compact, lucid and erudite exposition of Sikh thought. Though a modest claim of a "short treatise" has been made regarding the book, but it sets forth a complete view of Sikh Philosophy and Religion in a simple and clear style. The author does not lose himself in abstractions and makes his monograph interesting and delightful to read. It is his significant contribution to Indian religious philosophy.